I love me some comics. And in February 2021 after perusing sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo I started backing crowdfunded comics. Fast-forward to now and I’ve supported over 290 successful campaigns. How much money is that? I’d rather not think about it. But what I’ve come here to talk about is the issues that plague these various campaigns. Some of these problems are small enough to look past; others are so glaring that you should avoid the campaign completely. But don’t worry, I have a system in place to help both supporters and creators make better decisions. I will note that I do not make comics nor have I ever run a crowdfund campaign, so be sure to take anything I say with a few grains of salt.
Each problem will be followed by an image(see below) denoting its problem level. A level one can be ignored, a level two should make you think twice, and a level three should be heavily considered before you open your wallet.
These problems will be broken up into three categories based on when they first or most prominently appear: before the campaign, during the campaign, or after the campaign.
-Problems Before the Campaign Begins-
No Way to Get Earlier Issues
Every now and then I see some interesting upcoming comics that are already deep into their run. I give the previous campaigns a look, click a few links and I discover that I am unable to get a hold of those previous issues; I’ll have to wait until the new campaign starts.
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
If I have the cash why do I have to wait an unknown amount of time for the campaign to start, then wait more time after it ends to get a comic? It’s basically two months of waiting for a comic!
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Put those earlier issues online! It doesn’t even have to be physical, just do the digital!
Saying Your Comic Is Part Of A Currently Non-Existent Larger Franchise
I’ve seen this a few times where an upcoming comic will say that it is a part of a future film franchise or a wider multimedia universe.
“Why is this a one-star problem?”
There is nothing wrong with saying your comic is the beginning of an entire franchise. But this is very ambitious and the leap from comics to movies is not an easy jump, from the outside it looks like you have a lot on your plate.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Just make a good comic. Don’t promise all this stuff after the fact when we haven’t seen your initial work.
Bad Links
Most “upcoming” pages on these crowdfund sites have little to say other than a very short synopsis and a picture designed to make you click. So in a quest to get more information you click the links provided by the creator but sometimes those links don’t work or lead to non-existent pages.
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
Now I’m not saying that creators need to have an Instagram or some other social site where they can share their art or writing but if you are gonna provide a link, please make sure it works. And this is especially annoying when it’s a link to a website or an online store.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Update your links! Or add some!
Comic Has Been “Upcoming” For More Than A Year
As mentioned above I started buying crowdfund comics in February 2021 and on Kickstarter at least there are comics that were upcoming from that time that are STILL supposedly on the way. A while ago I started following a comic last summer that was supposed to launch in November…2022.
“Why is this a one-star problem?”
Because life happens. Sometimes you have plans to drop a comic at a certain time but things just don’t go your way.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
If things going wrong is what’s causing the delay, then nothing. But if you’re just saying something is upcoming and you don’t even have a page done maybe slow down.
-Problems During the Campaign-
No Digital Editions/Physical Editions Only
Some comic campaigns decide to only offer physical editions of the comic. No digitals, just a hard copy.
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
Because personally I only like to buy physical editions of comics I’m confident that I’ll enjoy. If I’m feeling iffy or think that the comic looks mildly interesting, I’ll just grab the digital. But if physical is my only option I probably won’t get it at all.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Just add in a digital edition! The only reason I can think of why they wouldn’t do this is because of theft or something. But if that’s not the reason, why?
No Digital Edition When Buying Physical Edition
Alright let’s say you have both physical and digital editions available. The general rule that most creators follow is that if I buy a physical copy the digital one comes free. But some campaigns require you to purchase both copies separately.
“Why is this a three-star problem?”
Because if I’m paying at least $15 for the physical, plus shipping which is around $10, I’m already out $25 and you can’t throw in the digital? I have to scoop out 5-10 extra bucks? This is out of the norm and just seems greedy.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Throw a digital copy in with the physical. Simple as that.
No Synopsis
You’ve just clicked on a campaign with some interesting art and some cool-looking characters but you see no synopsis. None at all. You see the creators, the add ons, the stretch goals, but no synopsis. What is this even about?
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
This is like watching a new movie trailer with no voiceover. What is this even about? It could be a genre you love, or a story you hate, but you have no way of knowing.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Just type a quick two-sentence synopsis. You spent all that time writing our comic, this part is easy.
No Comic Interiors
A new comic campaign has just dropped! The character art is cool, the premise is interesting, the prices are reasonable, but you have no idea what the comic actually looks like. You can see the various covers, but nothing from the inside of the book.
“Why is this a three-star problem?”
If I see a campaign without any finished comic interiors I instantly close the tab. How you gonna expect me fork up the cash for some mystery art?
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Always show some comic interiors. 2-3 pages is enough. And if you don’t have that, what are you doing?
Can’t Get Earlier Issues in Addons
Now I believe this is a Kickstarter exclusive problem, but if I’m on the campaign for the third issue of your comic and I haven’t read the earlier issues yet, why am I unable to add them on?
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
If I can purchase the earlier issues from an outside source than this isn’t too much of a problem, but if I can’t how do you expect me to catch up? Now I gotta skip the whole series.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
There’s gotta be a way for readers to acquire earlier issues, whether through a new campaign or a store.
Digital Issue Prices
Single issue comics have about four page ranges: 24, 36, 48, and 49+. That last one is mainly for graphic novels and the like. I’ve seen many a campaign where a 24-page digital issue has the price of a 36, which is baffling. If I had to give numbers(these are very loose and unscientific) I’d say that a 24 should be from $5-$9, 36 from $10-$14 and you get the gist.
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
Because a high price on a digital editions, especially on debut series seems odd and makes me less likely to jump in. And when you factor in the fact that a 24 page comic means 20 actual comic pages or less, you start feeling a bit robbed.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
I will admit that I don’t know the pricing scale from a creator standpoint so there are probably reasons for the price increase/variance, but what I stated seems to be the general consensus.
Unclear Issue Order
When you find a new campaign you want to support and they already have an entire universe it can be hard to know where to start. You’ll have to start looking at campaign history and Google stuff just to know what issues you’ll need.
“Why is this a one-star problem?”
Depending on how big the universe is it shouldn’t take too long to find out how many issues behind you are, but it can’t seem like a task.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Just drop an issue order!
Constantly Giving Updates on Current Campaign to Followers of Previous Campaigns
This is another Kickstarter-specific problem, but I have an example that will make it all clear. Let’s say I’ve had four Batman campaigns. On campaign five I send update to all the people who saved and followed the last four campaigns so they can support this new one. Nothing wrong with that. But now imagine I KEEP SENDING UPDATES. Now you’re getting five of the same identical email all because you don’t like to unbookmark campaigns you’ve supported.
“Why is this a one-star problem?”
IT IS SO ANNOYING. One or two updates is fine, but constant updates to previous campaigns is grating.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
If they liked what you made, they are still supporting it. If not, then they aren’t. Constant updates probably aren’t helping.
-Problems After the Campaign Ends-
Taking an Unreasonable Amount of Time to Deliver At Least the Digital
There have been multiple times where I’ve bought both the digital and physical edition of a comic and it has taken 6+ months to get the physical, but the digital came within three months. That’s fine. But there are multiple digital issues I’m STILL waiting to get and it has been over 8 months.
“Why is this a three-star problem?”
Printing is expensive and problems can occur so I understand the long delays on that. But taking half a year for the digital? Especially when combined with no updates? I’m being robbed!
“How can this problem be fixed?”
I’m not sure.
Large Gaps Between Updates
Let’s say you as a creator have problems in your personal life, artists stopped working on your comic, your hand has cramped up, something. Now the comic that was supposed to be delivered in two months is now going to take four. Are you gonna let the people who have paid for an issue know?
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
I don’t get too upset by long delays as long as I know why and that the creator isn’t just running away with my cash. But I have a few creators I haven’t heard from in 3+ months and I’m just sitting here in the dark.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
I think all unfulfilled campaigns should send out an update at least once a month. At least.
Launching New Campaign Before the Previous One Has Been Fulfilled
Imagine you’ve been waiting months for a comic to be delivered and you see that the same creator, under a different account or the same one is launching a new comic!
“Why is this a three-star problem?”
You’re asking for us to support another comic when you haven’t given us what was already owed. This is baffling and angering behavior.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Chill out and do one campaign at a time.
No Information on Follow-Up
So you’ve had a successful campaign, you’ve delivered the goods, now we wait. And wait. And keep waiting? Are you dropping another issue in the future? Did I just purchase a dead-end debut?
“Why is this a one-star problem?”
Because it isn’t that big of a deal with all the many comics out there but it would be nice to know what’s happening.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Just give folk a heads up on whether or not you’ll be making a sequel. You’ve got fans now, keep them updated!
Comics Not On League of Comic Geeks
You spent all those months creating a comic, about a month for the campaign, a couple months after you got the orders together and delivered it the readers. And nobody knows about your comic but them. People like to document what they’ve read, have discussions about it, and rate and review, but the representation from crowdfunded comics on the League of Comic Geeks is poor.
“Why is this a two-star problem?”
When a creator starts a new campaign I see them constantly posting on social media, sending updates to past supporters, just trying to get the word out. Simply putting comics on this site gives the writers, the artists, and even the letterers recognition and can lead to people watching closely for what you’ll do next.
“How can this problem be fixed?”
Creators need to put their comics on there. DC, Marvel, Image, Dark Horse, and Dynamite are all over that site, yall should be too.
And those are all the critiques I have for you today. Have I left anything out? Probably. Am I wrong about something? Most likely. But I hope both creators and readers alike can make better decisions when it comes to finding a campaign to support or start. Don’t think I wrote this article just to rag on crowdfund comic creators, I just want to see them do better and for their work to get more shine.
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