Spirit’s Destiny #1 (Remastered Edition) is a comic written by Dorphise Jean & Dennis Knight with art by Edwin Galmon, Richard Perotta, and Stan Yak. A teenager deals with vivid dreams and problems both at school and at home. This is a comic with family drama and some science fiction elements as well as some common teenage issues. The leading lady for this tale is Destiny, a slightly rebellious Haitian-American high schooler who isn’t afraid to get violent. She lives with her scientist mother Davine and her grandmother who speaks mostly in Haitian Creole. The story begins with a look at Destiny as a baby in a dangerous situation involving her parents. The situation turns violent and some questions are raised that you’ll want answers to. This takes place in Miami in 2014 so it is somewhat modern. The action here is bloody but it isn’t a lot. The pacing is steady with rare narration and a dramatic tone that gets serious on occasion. The intensity spikes but overall it isn’t high. The dialogue is mostly conversational with the rare narrated thought. There are no word-heavy pages here. This is a debut comic that shows us the life and world of a teenager before everything changes.
The art here is drawn in a smoothly detailed, modern style with some good shading. The colors are mainly of a darker tone which gives off a serious atmosphere. Aside from a few shots of a lawn the majority of this story takes place indoors so there isn’t much scenery. The main location is Destiny’s house in different floors and rooms with other locations being the school and her mother’s lab. The backgrounds usually show the scene but they can occasionally be color gradients with optional action lines. The expression level here hovers around average to slightly above as the looks change on a near panel-by-panel basis. The emotional range is from sadness to anger with some fear and terror thrown in. The faces are detailed and showcase the different feelings well. The violence here is almost all physical with a small amount of blood. The action scenes flow well but tend to be short.
“Is this worth reading?”
“Would I like this?”
If you like stories with science fiction elements that stars a bunch of black women with violence and teenage drama then this is for you.
“What would this comic’s film rating be?”
PG-13. Violence.
“Could I get a quote from the comic?”
“Babe, you gotta be faster than that.”
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shortfusemedia/spirits-destiny-ongoing-comic-series/description
Probably Contains Spoilers
Actual Pages(not counting covers and credits): 27
Violent Pages: 6, for 22% of the comic
Sexy Pages: 0, for 0% of the comic
**The levels below aren’t necessarily maintained throughout the whole comic, but they were definitely reached**
Violence Level – 3
“Wasn’t no tussling at all.”
“Sometimes you gotta hit somebody.”
“I’m getting charged with how many counts of assault?”
“This was a tournament arc.”
“All my life I had to fight.”
Gore Level – 2
“The only thing leaking out your face is tears.”
“Looks like somebody spilled some ketchup.”
“Might need to soak that up with a bath towel.”
“That isn’t supposed to be outside the body.”
“This is a slaughterhouse.”
Death Level – 1
“And everybody lived happily ever after.”
“We might have gone to a couple funerals.”
“It just LOOKS like a serial killer was here.”
“Yeah this was a tragedy.”
“Think Gettysburg.”
Porn Level – 1
“Everybody kept their clothes on.”
“I guess it was too hot for a bra.”
“Sometimes you got to let everything air out.”
“This is like late night Cinemax in the early 2000’s.”
“Oh. This is porn.”