Average Joe #3 is a comic created by Thomas Ryan. While the hero Average Joe does make an appearance, the main focus of this issue is the super-powered woman named Lady Ferocity. This story takes place in Frost City where our heroine is chasing the portal-hopping twins Warp and Duo. Unfortunately for Max the fight ends up reaching the office building where he works, and he must jump into action. We don’t get to learn a lot about Lady Ferocity but we do get a good grasp of her skills. The story here was nice and had a good amount of suspense and unexpected moments. Though the banter between the heroes and the villains can get a bit cliché and corny, for the post part the comments are realistic and witty. There isn’t much here in the way of explanations because this comic is moving a mile a minute. You can almost imagine watching this as a TV show.
In the sky and on the streets is where this comic mainly takes place. This comic series does a very good job with faces and expressions overall, and especially with Lady Ferocity. She spends most of her time being irritated, but dabbles in annoyance and anger. Being a superheroine means that you must either have a short haircut or long luscious locks. Lady F has the latter. Ward and Duo are rocking cool outfits you might see more fashionable youths wear, while Lady F has a more Wonder Woman-esque outfit with a mask that covers her upper face. Warp and Duo do a bunch of portal hopping, and the portals stand out due to the supernatural look they have. And because this comic is drawn realistically anything out of the ordinary draws your focus. The fight scene plays out well. It flows with no confusion and hones in on key moments. The destructive scenes make sure the impact can be felt. Is Lady Ferocity sexualized? Somewhat. Her outfit does go through the ringer but in context it fits.
“Is this worth reading?”
“Would I like this?”
A superheroine getting into scraps with some villain twins? Sounds like a good read.
“What would this comic’s film rating be?”
“Could I get a quote from the comic?”
“You wanna see bad? We’ll do our worst!”
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vividpanel/average-joe-1-3-an-action-packed-superpowered-joy-ride/description
Indiegogo Link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/average-joe-1-3/x/26236710#/
Probably Contains Spoilers
Actual Pages(not counting covers and credits): 23
Violent Pages: 12, for 52% of the comic
Sexy Pages: 2, for 8% of the comic
**The levels below aren’t necessarily maintained throughout the whole comic, but they were definitely reached**
Violence Level – 3
“Wasn’t no tussling at all.”
“Sometimes you gotta hit somebody.”
“I’m getting charged with how many counts of assault?”
“This was a tournament arc.”
“All my life I had to fight.”
Gore Level – 4
“The only thing leaking out your face is tears.”
“Looks like somebody spilled some ketchup.”
“Might need to soak that up with a bath towel.”
“That isn’t supposed to be outside the body.”
“This is a slaughterhouse.”
Death Level – 2
“And everybody lived happily ever after.”
“We might have gone to a couple funerals.”
“It just LOOKS like a serial killer was here.”
“Yeah this was a tragedy.”
“Think Gettysburg.”
Porn Level – 3
“Everybody kept their clothes on.”
“I guess it was too hot for a bra.”
“Sometimes you got to let everything air out.”
“This is like late night Cinemax in the early 2000’s.”
“Oh. This is porn.”