Welcome to second part of the anthologies I’ve read in 2023! I’m writing this on December 28 and boy is this DRAINING. I’m gonna start writing these things throughout the year as I read the anthologies instead of wait until the last week of December. But that’s enough yapping from me; go see what else I’ve read!
If you missed Part 1, click here to read it: Crowdfund Comic Anthologies I’ve Read in 2023 Part 1
Tales of Cape Fear Volume 4
Tales of Cape Fear Volume 4 is an anthology of creepy, eerie stories that usually involve magic and tend to take place in the Deep South. These stories have witches, druids, shapeshifters, and other creatures. Some of these are outright horror while others have lingering dread with a conclusion that sneaks up on you. This might be surprising but there isn’t really any blood or gore. The art here seems to be specifically detailed to make the stories that much creepier.
“Which story was your favorite?”
Blue, Accused, and lowkey Duel in the Sand.
“Which story had your favorite art?”
Stray and Sister Heron.
“How many stories are there?”
Eleven, ranging from 2-6 pages, most of them at least four.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“You almost feel bad for them.”
“You ever been to a swamp?”
No, I don’t think I have.
Physical Link: https://www.angelafernot.com/product-page/tales-of-cape-fear-issue-4-cover-a
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/talesofcapefear2023/tales-of-cape-fear-2023-anthology/description
Fractured Realms
Fractured Realms is an anthology all about Norse mythology. These stories feature some of the most prominent characters like Odin, Thor and Loki, as well as the famous creatures Fenrir, Sleipnir, and Jormungandr. These tales are mostly violent with some apocalyptic and existential themes. There is plenty of intense gore and blood with death all over the place. The art goes from the realistic to the cartoonish and occasionally looks trippy.
“Which story was your favorite?”
The Tattletale Head, Beware the Mare, The Hollow Places, The Ones That Snarl and Grind.
“Which story had your favorite art?”
The Dead of Winter and The Tree of Pain.
“How many stories are there?”
Twenty-Four, each four pages long.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“Please tell me you hear it?”
“Are you ready for the end of the world?”
Give me a few more years to get ready.
Physical Link: https://limitbreak.gumroad.com/l/jtxjd
Digital Link: https://limitbreak.gumroad.com/l/njitjs
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/paulcarroll/fractured-realms-a-norse-horror-anthology/description
Spider-Squirrel & Trash Panda Titan-Sized Special
Spider-Squirrel & Trash Panda Titan-Sized Special starts off as a regular comic but after that concludes it launches into an anthology taking place in the world of the Spider-Squirrel. I’ve already reviewed the main comic but I saved the rest for right now. These stories feature some characters you may have seen before in passing but this time around we get a more focused look on how they operate. Violence is prominent and relationships are frequently the focus in these tales. Gore and blood are relatively light here and death is rare. The art here screams superhero.
“Which story was your favorite?”
Hitting the Jackpot.
“Which story had your favorite art?”
The Los Angeles Incident.
“How many stories are there?”
Nine, 6-8 pages each.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“C’mon, you weigh a literal ton. That ship has sailed.”
“Wait a minute…what’s at the end of this comic book?”
A bunch of D&D-style character sheets with thick bios and everything you need to play as one of these characters in your next campaign.
Main Comic Review Link: https://thepointofclicking.com/spider-squirrel-trash-panda-titan-sized-special-comic-review/
Digital Link: https://www.xionstudios.com/products/spider-squirrel-trash-panda-titan-sized-special-1-digital
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/watchguard/the-spider-squirrel-and-trash-panda-titan-sized-special/description
Always Punch Nazis Volume 1
Always Punch Nazis Volume 1 is a comic anthology about…punching Nazis. This hearkens back to what used to normal in comics but that would now draw the ire of the public in the name of “hearing both sides”. The stories here touch on racism and hate in different communities and give us different but forceful reactions. It also gives a bit of history about the different resistances. The art varies greatly but the message is the same.
“Which story was your favorite?”
The Days of the Dove.
“Which story had your favorite art?”
Punch Nazi Scum and It’s Just Begun.
“How many stories are there?”
Nine, 3-6 pages each.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“We always punch Nazis.”
“Should Nazis be punched?”
Of course.
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pilotstudios/always-punch-nazis/description
Long Distance: Pan African Comics Anthology
Long Distance: Pan African Comics Anthology is an anthology that features stories that are influenced by African culture, history, religions, and mythology. Some of these tales are retellings of history and a decent amount of them are about Ethiopians. The tone varies greatly from romance and determination to war and life-or-death combat. Blood and gore are light here. The art is obviously African-influenced with a nice mix of realistic and bright eye-catching colors.
“Which story was your favorite?”
“Which story had your favorite art?”
Adaeze and the Palace of Dreams and 238-0.
“How many stories are there?”
Ten, ranging from 4-10 pages.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“That’s what happen when you get greedy.”
“You ever been to Africa?”
Not yet.
Physical Link: https://etancomics.com/product/long-distance-african-folklore-anthology/
Kickstarter Link: https://kickstarter.com/projects/etancomics/longdistance/description
Roseblood Manor #4
Roseblood Manor #4 is the fourth installment in this anthology series that also has an overarching story that carries over from each issue. Each edition has a unique location and this time around it is the Roseblood Manor itself. We get a decent history of this mysterious building and a glimpse of what it can do and has done. We’ll see some familiar faces and understand few characters’ motivations a bit better. This is a gory and bloody horror comic with some nudity. The art matches the different horror genres perfectly.
“Which story was your favorite?”
“Which story had your favorite art?”
A Performance To Die For and All’s Well That Ends In A Well.
“How many stories are there?”
Four including the framing story, they are 8-12 pages each.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“I don’t know if murder is the right word…”
“Would you go into a haunted house?”
Absolutely not.
Physical Link: https://badbugmedia.com/product/roseblood-manor-4-john-royle-variant/
Kickstarter Link: https://kickstarter.com/projects/williamtener/roseblood-manor-4-a-horror-anthology-series/description
4 Pages 16 Bars: A Visual Mixtape Volume 09: ’23 Til Infinity
4 Pages 16 Bars: A Visual Mixtape Volume 09: ’23 Til Infinity is a comic made to showcase mainly Black & POC creators and features art, comic previews, history lessons, and shoutouts. There is something for everyone and you’ll probably find something here you’ll want to look up later. The art is expectedly all over the place.
“Which story was your favorite?”
Pinkwing and the Prime-Controller.
“Which story had your favorite art?”
Silk Cotton and The Band of the Black Fist.
“How many stories are there?”
At least 13 different sections of varying lengths that would be too confusing to count.
“All those stories, can I get one quote?”
“Whoa, you almost got me there, swampy.”
“When are you gonna write something?”
Later this year I might write a story. Maybe.
Kickstarter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/4-pages-16-bars/4-pages-16-bars-a-visual-mixtape-vol09-23-til-infinity/description