Rocky gets Concussed
Now let me begin this by saying Rocky is a real one. When a fleshless dinosaur(?) comes to life and makes a beeline towards a frozen in terror Aisha, Rocky runs up and cracks a bone across its face. Unfortunately his reward for this was getting whacked into unconsciousness after being sent flying and colliding with the ground. He spends the rest of this movie undoubtedly concussed.
Near-Death Count: 5
Death Count: 24
Kimberly almost gets Chewed
While fleeing from this dinosaur Kimberly runs into the chest cavity of another creature and discovers there is no way out. The dinosaur then attempts to chew(not eat, the dinosaur has no stomach) Kimberly but the ribs keep getting in the way so it alternates breaking ribs and taking bites as it moves closer and closer.
Near-Death Count: 6
Death Count: 24
Dinosaur Loses its Head
After saving Kimberly and running up a tree Tommy finds himself on the dinosaurs back being flung around like a bull rider. He notices that there appears to be a bone holding the head on which he pulls out and the whole dinosaur falls apart. Now I don’t know if this really counts as a death because who can say if this dinosaur was truly alive?
Near-Death Count: 6
Death Count: 25
Sword Guardian Wakes Up
When they reach the monolith aint nothing happening so Tommy walks up, touches the Guardian, then turns around. After a scream from Kimberly he finds himself getting slashed at repeatedly and his clothes get torn. It was almost curtains for him, Thank God for backflips.
Near-Death Count: 7
Death Count: 25
Aisha Post-Transformation
After all of the Guardians wake up the Power Rangers “transform” i.e. put their masks on and as soon as Aisha is done with hers she ducks and avoids a hit from the Small Mace Guardian. Why do these creatures keep targeting her?
Near-Death Count: 8
Death Count: 25
Billy almost gets his Head Crushed
During the brawl Billy has to quickly get up because Mr. Big Mace attempts to crush his head. Things are getting dangerous out here.
Near-Death Count: 9
Death Count: 25
Billy, Aisha, and Rocky avoid Death
This all happens in the span of like two seconds. Billy avoids a hit to the face from the Axe Guardian, Aisha avoids the Small Mace Man, and Rocky dodges the Axe dude as well. I would’ve started running out of the jungle.
Near-Death Count: 12
Death Count: 25
Adam gets Swung at a Bunch
The Sword Guardian hones in on Adam(frog reasons probably) and swings at him at least six times as he tries to run away up the mountain. He almost got him. Why didn’t these ninja suits come with weapons?
Near-Death Count: 13
Death Count: 25
Rocky avoids the Axe…and the Water
When avoiding the Axe Guardian Rocky finds himself cornered by the Axe guy and water. Now I will explain later why I don’t think is actually water but Rocky manages to avoid all the life-ending attacks and rolls to safety.
Near-Death Count: 14
Death Count: 25
Aisha also avoids the Axe
The Axe Guardian is now focused on Aisha and even though she trips and falls she still manages to get away. If these dudes weren’t solid rock 2 minutes ago the Rangers would really be in trouble.
Near-Death Count: 15
Death Count: 25
Kimberly and the near Skull Fracture
While she runs from the Small Mace Guardian Kimberly stumbles(why do these women keep falling?) and lands on her back but quickly rolls and avoids becoming their first victim.
Near-Death Count: 16
Death Count: 25
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