Back in my college years for far too many months I was addicted to the game Super Crate Box. I had scores in the hundreds on all the maps(there are three). I think I had everything unlocked. But I put the game away. And aside from a quick stint about 5 years back, I hadn’t touched the game. But I needed to write an article for Monday so I had to reinstall the game(it is free) and take screenshots.

The point of this game is not to kill enemies, but to collect crates. Your box count is our score. And every time you pick up a crate your weapon randomly changes to another weapon you have unlocked. So you have to kill/avoid enemies until you grab a box, then you have to repeat the process. And the crate changes locations after you pick it up. It’s a lot of running around and frustration.

There are three enemy types that have two different forms. You have a green gremlin(?), a big green gremlin, and a white cloud with a face. They start at the top of the level and make their way down to the bottom like Lemmings. If they pass through the fire at the bottom of the stage they will fall from the top again, but faster and sweatier. And with a redder hue. This repeats until they die.

There are thirteen different weapons to choose…uh randomly have chosen for you. A few are great, some are alright, but a bunch suck. Mines explode for everybody, the shotgun has no range, the disc gun likes to bounce off walls, the laser gun has to warm up, and the minigun forces you to stand still or fly backwards like a stuntman. But the variety does keep you on your toes.

Yeah there are a bunch of weapons, but you don’t get all of them at the start. You unlock them by getting a bunch of crates. Every time you die the game lets you know how close you are to unlocking a new weapon. There are different characters to unlock but it’s just skins so I never cared all that much. You can even unlock new modes! The different modes are harder to survive on but offer a nice challenge when the normal mode gets too easy.

When I was deeply hooked on this game I would sink hours into it. I believe I had over 100 boxes on every mode and on every level. I might be exaggerating. It was about ten years ago so my memory is a bit fuzzy. But I do know that this was a fun game that I could just pick up and enjoy for hours on end. Why’d I stop? I got burnt out. It was a bit too easy and it almost became a chore. That’s the problem with endless games like these. It starts off fun but turns into a second job.