The Blue Bombshell #1 is a comic created by Terrell Culbert. The Blue Bombshell battles a giant robot in Chastity City. This is a science fiction superheroine comic that is dramatic, violent, and sexy. The leading lady for this tale is Dr. Monica Noble, she is a chemical biologist whose experiments led to her gaining superpowers and a high sex drive. Throughout the course of this story she’ll come across other heroes, some new and some old. This comic begins with a fight in downtown Chastity City as the giant robot is causing general mayhem and destruction. Monica discovers who is piloting the machine and they get into a snarky back-and-forth before continuing the scuffle. The violence here is physical and explosive but there isn’t any blood or gore. There are many sexual moments here. The pacing is steady with some fast parts and the tone is like that of a slightly comedic, lighthearted superhero movie. The intensity here is mainly due to violence. The dialogue has a lot of back-and-forth with a bit of humor and some narration. There are no word-heavy pages. This is the exciting debut issue of a superheroine who is trying to protect others while dealing with a very unique problem.
The art here is semi-cartoonish with a decent amount of detail with usually thick outlines. The color range is somewhat realistic and there is adequate shading. The scenery you’ll get here are the sky and tall buildings. The two main locations here are downtown Chastity City and the headquarters for the Legion of Minds. The backgrounds tend to show the surroundings with rare solid/gradient colors. The expression level here is around average as some of these characters attempt to hide their feelings but fail. The emotional range here has happiness, anger, shock, and lust. The faces here have a good amount of detail and show the different expressions very clearly. The violence here is physical and environmentally destructive with lasers coming into play. There isn’t any blood or gruesome attacks. The action scenes come in bursts but flow well. All the women here have large breasts and are built like models in general.
“Is this worth reading?”
Yes, if this is up your alley.
“Would I like this?”
If you like science fiction superheroine stories starring a woman with dramatic elements, some violence, and sex scenes then this is for you.
“What would this comic’s film rating be?”
NC-17. Violence, nudity, sexual situations.
“Could I get a quote from the comic?”
“And I bet that burns you up. Someone being better than you.”
Kickstarter Link:
Probably Contains Spoilers
Actual Pages(not counting covers and credits): 36
Violent Pages: 7, for 19% of the comic
Sexy Pages: 16, for 44% of the comic
**The levels below aren’t necessarily maintained throughout the whole comic, but they were definitely reached**
Violence Level – 3
“Wasn’t no tussling at all.”
“Sometimes you gotta hit somebody.”
“I’m getting charged with how many counts of assault?”
“This was a tournament arc.”
“All my life I had to fight.”
Gore Level – 1
“The only thing leaking out your face is tears.”
“Looks like somebody spilled some ketchup.”
“Might need to soak that up with a bath towel.”
“That isn’t supposed to be outside the body.”
“This is a slaughterhouse.”
Death Level – 1
“And everybody lived happily ever after.”
“We might have gone to a couple funerals.”
“It just LOOKS like a serial killer was here.”
“Yeah this was a tragedy.”
“Think Gettysburg.”
Porn Level – 5
“Everybody kept their clothes on.”
“I guess it was too hot for a bra.”
“Sometimes you got to let everything air out.”
“This is like late night Cinemax in the early 2000’s.”
“Oh. This is porn.”