The Fog Within #2 is a comic written by Sean Wood with pencils and inks by Deivid Deon and colors by Josh Rodriguez. Hunter undergoes training with the Resistance as Schism begins to make their move. This is a dystopian science fiction comic with time travel and supernatural elements as well as a decently-sized cast. The main man for this tale is Hunter, he is man that has been brought to the present from the past and who has a power he is trying to control. He is working with the Resistance whose is leader is Alexi. The team is large but the ones who play a prominent role this issue are Epsilon the sharpshooter, Zeta the tech guy, and Brody, the man with big guns. The story begins with a quick glimpse of Schism and their leader Damon before moving to Hunter at the Resistance facility. Hunter is attempting to come to terms with his new situation and powers and wants to learn more about why he is here. This takes place in a dystopian, walled-in city that is controlled by a group called Schism. The violence here is physical and explosive with no blood or gore. The pacing is steady with the tone of an action movie. The intensity is high for a majority of this issue. The dialogue is aggressive and conversational with some narration from Hunter. There are no word-heavy pages here. This is an issue that settles into the story and has significant developments while continuing to flesh out characters.
The art here is detailed and modern with some slight grit to it and some notable shading. The color range here is mainly blues and grays with an overall low contrast. Besides a few quick glimpses of grass and trees there isn’t really any scenery besides mountains. The primary location is the Resistance’s headquarters but a few scenes take place deep in the city and on the outer edge. The backgrounds are more frequently show the actual surroundings but the rest of the time they are a gradient color. The expression level here hovers around average as most of the characters here a hardened. The emotional range here consists of anger and smugness with the rare smile. The faces are decently drawn with the expressions usually being clear. The violence here is hard hitting and explosive with weapons from guns to knives being used. The action scenes tend to have a high amount of panels which helps it all flow smoothly.
“Is this worth reading?”
Yes, if this is up your alley.
“Would I like this?”
If you like dystopian science fiction stories with time-travel and supernatural elements along with a decently-sized cast of characters as well as some violence and a bit of drama then this is for you.
“What would this comic’s film rating be?”
PG-13. Violence.
“Could I get a quote from the comic?”
“I know I shouldn’t bet against the house!”
Kickstarter Link:
Probably Contains Spoilers
Actual Pages(not counting covers and credits): 24
Violent Pages: 12, for 50% of the comic
Sexy Pages: 0, for 0% of the comic
**The levels below aren’t necessarily maintained throughout the whole comic, but they were definitely reached**
Violence Level – 4
“Wasn’t no tussling at all.”
“Sometimes you gotta hit somebody.”
“I’m getting charged with how many counts of assault?”
“This was a tournament arc.”
“All my life I had to fight.”
Gore Level – 1
“The only thing leaking out your face is tears.”
“Looks like somebody spilled some ketchup.”
“Might need to soak that up with a bath towel.”
“That isn’t supposed to be outside the body.”
“This is a slaughterhouse.”
Death Level – 1
“And everybody lived happily ever after.”
“We might have gone to a couple funerals.”
“It just LOOKS like a serial killer was here.”
“Yeah this was a tragedy.”
“Think Gettysburg.”
Porn Level – 1
“Everybody kept their clothes on.”
“I guess it was too hot for a bra.”
“Sometimes you got to let everything air out.”
“This is like late night Cinemax in the early 2000’s.”
“Oh. This is porn.”