Welcome back, we’re still on the phone with Leos. Leos talks about how he wanted to call his niece, they talk about dumplings, then Wilma gets off the phone to eat. After eating the sandwich that was laying on a desk that a mouse almost certainly crawled over, our heroine(?) falls asleep and has a nightmare. Well technically it’s a dream, but she’s in bed with Arthur and I disapprove of this whole-heartedly.

After some light flirting and some “You gon get me in trouble” dialogue the dream ends with Arthur weirdly squeezing her and her being terrified. Back in the real world Wilma is being bothered by noises so now we have to go find the source of each noise so we can cancel them out. This is actually legit gameplay. But due to the low amount of clickable things onscreen this task doesn’t require much thought.

Now that all the noises are cancelled we sit down and get a call from Leos. After a quick backstory on why he wants to call his niece we get some musical inspiration then we fall asleep. This time we have a legitimate nightmare. Stuck in a well, we call out to some figure who is quite unhelpful as the waters rise due to the rain. Could this game be scary? Maybe. But playing King’s Quest 7 at a young age has rendered me fearless.

Allow me to explain some gameplay. In order for Wilma to compose this piece she needs inspiration. To get inspiration I must click on something and she see the melody and start writing. Understand? Cool. After that nightmare I open up a locked compartment and read a letter from a woman named Grete to Arthur. Told you he was bagging students.

Ring ring! Who could be calling? Did you guess Leos? WRONG. It’s our inner self! What do we really want? We have three choices. Be with Arthur, be successful, or go home to the fam. I chose success cause Arthur is a slut. Afterwards Wilma calls Leos cause thunder is scary. Suddenly Wilma turns into Joseph, King of Dreams and determines that the person being quite unhelpful when she was standing in the well was herself, blah blah running away from my composition blah blah blah.

Leos thanks us for convincing him to call his niece. I forgot to mention that I did that in the previous phone call, but you don’t care. Also since I’m bringing up old stuff, on my first playthrough I didn’t choose success, I chose to be with Arthur. Why am I mentioning that now? I’ll explain at the end.

I finish writing this music and dedicate it to Leos cause Arthur is a slut and my brother hasn’t had enough screen time. Side note, this game has some lovely sounding music. And good sound design. Flash-forward to the concert hall and a nice little slide show of different in-game areas as Wilma plays her song.

She bows and that’s it. Now allow me to explain the Arthur thing. On my first playthtough I believe that after my concert Wilma goes up to Arthur and he says that they’ll be together or he hugs her or something Hallmarkish. I really don’t remember exactly. Anyway at the end I get a look at the percentage of players who made the same “key” decisions I made.

The first time I played this I got partway through the second story before quitting. I thought this game was boring and lacked any critical thought. Now on the replay I think I can honestly say that I might have been playing it wrong. This game was made for chill vibes. You pour yourself some hot chocolate, get a cozy blanket, throw a log in the fireplace, and just stroll through this game. I came into this expecting puzzles and action but that’s not what this is. Just sit back and enjoy the story. Think of it as a nice book with light interaction, gorgeous art, and great music. But even looking at it like that, I don’t think I’ll be finishing this game.