On March 9th, 2022 I published The Point of Clicking’s 100th article. To commemorate this I shall regale you with the tale of why I started this site in the first place. It all began in late 2020 or January 2021, when I had the urge to start writing articles about things I liked. I made two sites, one would focus on Masterpiece TV Shows and the other would focus on point-and-click games. Let’s take a quick look at how that went.
Viewers Like Me was the site I created for articles about the Masterpiece shows I watched. I wrote six articles in early 2021 recapping the show Miss Scarlet and the Duke, and after that nothing more. While writing these articles I remembered that I needed somewhere to post them so I came to the conclusion that I would post them on the subreddit for Masterpiece PBS. But there was no subreddit. So I created one. And I never posted any article links.
When I created Viewers Like Me I made The Point of Clicking at the same time; TPoC was for my other nerdy interests but I posted nothing on it for months. My first post came on June 29, 2021 and it was a review of We Are Scarlet Twilight #1. As a matter of fact, this site was mainly a comic review site until late September. But why did I start reviewing comics? Well that’s all due to a Kickstarter I never backed.
I only started using Kickstarter(and Indiegogo to a lesser extent) for comics in February of 2021, and I burned through my budget pretty quickly. I was caught up in the excitement and covers and stretch goals and back issues. After burning through most of my budget I had to start really analyzing a comic before I bought it, and my next potential victim was a comic called PRINCE-S STARthief, and I was specifically looking at the second issue.

The Kickstarter In Question: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1489023868/pulp-girls-prince-s-starthief-1-2/description
If I had seen this pop up now I would get it with no hesitation, but budget constraints and fear of getting burned slowed my money-throwing. So after debating with myself on whether or not to get it I decided to look at reviews for the first issue. I found none. And because I didn’t want to potentially waste my money, I didn’t get it. But that got me thinking about how many other kickstarted comics didn’t have reviews.
I had an alright amount of comics at this point so I thought it my nerdivic(nerd + civic, I know it doesn’t work) duty to review the ones I had. My early reviews are kinda barebones and lack a good amount of information but I wasn’t much of a reviewer at that point. As the comics kept rolling I kept reviewing them. I’d say over half of the comics I’ve reviewed have only been reviewed by me. I just want to help people buy the comics they actually want.
That’s why I split the main part of my review into two parts. First I talk about the story, characters, and how it reads. Second, I describe the art. I’ve read bad stories with great art and the reverse. I also include a pic from the inside of the comic so you can better understand what you’re getting into. I also like doing those bonus stats at the bottom because I’ve gone into many a comic that’s turned into an adult film real fast with no warning, and a heads up would’ve been nice.
After a couple months of posting nothing but comic reviews I thought I should get back into article writing and I did with that light commentary on the Blacksad video game. I was doing an article a week but I have too much other things to do in my real life, so I now do it every other week which makes the whole ordeal less stressful.
So now you know why I started this site, why I review comics, and why I write articles. I was actually going to post an article about the OG Power Rangers movie but that was becoming a big task so I needed to write about something I didn’t have to research and I kinda did want to commemorate my 100th post so here we are. If you’ve ever read an article on this site, thanks.